
Learn all about Richway Solenoids here. They are a product of the Richway Strategic Products division of Richway Industries. Currently being manufactured only in 12 volt DC ratings, we will be glad to explore options to meet your needs.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Does Your Solenoid Supplier Pass This Test??

Does Your Solenoid Supplier Pass This Test??

It is 11:00 a.m. Thursday and you discover that you need 20 pieces of a solenoid you regularly purchase the next morning to finish an order for your most important customer.  Can your present supplier have them in your hands Friday morning?

In most cases, Richway can!!!

We make systems type products too and we know the importance of having a supplier you can count on to do what others find impossible.
That’s why we keep parts and finished goods on hand for all our standard solenoids and many of our “specials.”

We bust ours to keep you on schedule.